⇐ Go back to the park?
![a rough design for the about page, it's café themed](img/aboutdesign.jpg)
A rough design I made in Figma for the About page, it's gonna be café themed. I'd like to explore other themes for different pages on this website (with puppies being a constant theme ofc) ^^
![a dizzy puppygirl rotating in a washing mashine with text overlay saying: stinky puppies go in the washing mashine, get rotated](img/Puprotatete.jpg)
Not much context that I can give to this one, I just thought it was funny.
![a puppygirl holding a happy cat while saying that the cat pooped on the carpet](img/cats.png)
A throwback to the time one of my cats pooped on the carpet, it was NOT a fun time.
![a puppy girl holding up a sign with Puppy Zone written on it](img/PuppyZone_wip.png)
(OLD) UPDATE! After some back and fourth I've decided that I'll try out a cozy brown (kinda like golden retriever color) theme for the site. I'm working on a mockup behind the scenes heheh.
![a new rough darker colored design for the website](img/newdesign.png)
(OLD) UPDATE! I've decided that while this yellow theme is nice a darker colored theme would put way less strain on the eyes. Here's one of the ideas I came up with:
![a rough design for the website](img/design.png)
![an illustration of two puppygirls along with the text saying puppy zone](img/PuppyZone_logo.png)
(OLD) UPDATE! Here's what we're working with so far; a general color scheme and rough design for the site + art with the site name for the header ^^